I've been living on this spinning rock we call home for a fair while now and I just can't seem to understand why the world is the way it is. Take; 1) posessions.
I understand the need to 'make your cave nice for your mate (that's sexual mate, not the one down the pub) and your spawn but does that really require any of the 'must have' accessories from the IKEA catalogue. Why do people work all the hours that god sends, to get money, to buy this shit that makes no difference to thier everyday lives. It's lovely to be able to go to that little space you call home, at the end of a crappy day, have some nice food, get a gorgeous hug from your loved ones and chill, vedge out, fall asleep do what you need to do before another crappy day starts. Why do we feel that unless our 'nest' is full of swedish laminates, day-glo furniture , colour coded fixtures and fitings, the latest flat screen T.V, X-boxes, playstations, nintento pisses oh sorry wees, that we have failed to be a whole person, we have lost the game of life and are somehow......Crap as a result!
The current culture of society seems to be expressly sponsored by Hello magazine, like Hello magazine can tell you anything about real life, or tell you the answers to it's great imponderable questions. They concentrate on the projection of the facard that the celebrities contained within, wish to be seen as and not how they actually are, and that is before we ask the real question of 'why do we want to know this'? Why do we need to know what Kate Midddleton has for breakfast most mornings. Why do we give a flying toss what idiot Katie Price is currently married to and why, in the name of all that is holy, do we need to see 'the exquisite living room' of the bloody Roonie's.
Are our lives so devoid of interest that we need to distract ourselves from them at every turn? Why do we live this life of worthless stuff that has become the be-all and end-all of our existance, because the media tell us to?
The media knows nothing about the pursiut of happiness, all they care about are demographics circulation figures and advertising revenues, encouraging us to buy even more worthless shit that we don't bloody need!
John Lennon, one of the most prolific poets that this country has ever produced, once sung, "imagine no posessions, I wonder if you can?", in an attempt to show us what's really important in life, and what did he get for his trouble, shot by the cliched 'lone gunman', the fate reserved for all those deemed a 'threat to the establishment'.
2) Culture (or the embarrassing lack of)
Simon Cowell, even typing this twats name irritates me to the core. A man (apparently) who is to popular culture what the iceberg was to the titanic. A man who has made an absolute fortune selling, recycling and selling again, dribbly arsed cliched old shit to twelve year old girls for the best part of 15 years. He picked up where his compatriate effluent peddler Pete Waterman left off. Now the standard response, from a moron, at this juncture would be something along the lines of, "well, it's popular! you can't deny that can you"? No I can't, you're right, but we have to remember that the bubonic plague was very popular in this country before we found a way to flush the shit out of the street and down a drain! Diptheria was staggeringly popular in this manor squire, so was Noel's House party, didn't make any of it good.
This man is an arrogant, self obsessed, vacuous, short-arsed gob shite who has turned the worlds recording industry into an absolute joke. Unfortunately, you can't mention this loathsome turd without calling attention to the biggest of all the logs he's clogged up the nations airwaves and telephone networks with, 'The X-Factor'. Television networks are only interestad in one thing, advertising revenues, so they produce and re-produce the same formuler drivle again and again and again, because, moronic people will happily sit down and watch in thier droves, presumably because they can use as few brain cells as possible. They think 'Oh! Simon Cowell's so rude to people, isn't it funny'? Err...No!!! & 'It's so exciting when the panel have a big argument isn't it'? Err....No!!! '& when they do the big stage show numbers, aren't they good'? Well, I'm afraid that I've seen MUSE at wembley stadium so definately not...No.
All that counts is the number of moronic eyeballs on the screen so that ITV can charge an absolute fortune for the advertising space in the ad breaks. Money well spent cause let's face it, obviously, they watch any old shit, stands to reason that they'll buy any old shit as well!!! The popularity of this sort of thing has led to all manner of crappy, low brow programming. Strictly Come Dancing, Britain's Got Talent, not to mention the painfully creepy Andrew Lloyd Webber efforts. Maybe it's me, maybe saturday night television programming has always been an interllectual 'no-go zone' and I've been far too busy doing something more worth while to notice. Anyway, I digress, the man's a wanker, let's move on!
Continued on 'No Seriously!!!2'