Oh Come On, are you kidding me?
' He made a maverllous speech,
Full of point & depth & reason,
His audiance was enthualled,
Twas the best one of the season,
But still he had to wonder,
Whether just one glorious night,
Made up for 37 years,
Of talking utter shite!!!!! ( Matthew Sabien, 2003 )
Politics in a nutshell ladies and gentlemen! or 'nutcase' in this instance. I do genuinely feel that you have to question the integrity of anyone who actually wants to go into politics. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We've seen it time after time with sleaze and scandal with these lying, self serving bastards who we, through no fault of our own, elect to represent us in the house of commons, and ultimately, Government. These people start off as 'Ideallists' who believe they can make a difference, change the world, be a rightous sword of damaclese in amoungst a nest of vipers. But all to soon they fall, being forced to tow the party line by chief whips, finding out the amazing amount of stuff they can put down as expenses, making the tax payer fork out for second homes, decorators, furniture, food, chauffered cars, hotel pornography! being amougst the most popular items. When these people fall from grace they fall hard. Turning them into arrogant bastards with an obvious contempt for the people who put them into thier privilidged positons in the first place.
During the terms of the last labour government, capitalism was all that mattered, the everyday man was marginalised for the good of politicians, corperate industry and the international banks. Britain had to be at the epicenter of world trade and the government was prepared to bend over backwards allow big business to do what ever it bloody liked to make that happen. How did we not notice this abhorrent behavior, well, we were far too busy getting ourselves on the property ladder, enjoying the benefits of being part of the global corperation 'in crowd'. Bigger & shinier were our distraction, and as long as we were getting our triple glazing, our plasma t.v's and our new B.M.W X5 ( the third most rediculous car on the face of the planet ), who were we to complain. Inflation was at an all time low, Yay!!!! House prices are at an all time high, Yay!!!! Our whole economy is teatering on the edge of an abyss, Fantastic!!!! The fact that the house prices were completely unsustainable wasn't something we concerned ourselves with. we looked the other way when R.B.S had to be salvaged, we were uninterested when it was realised that the war that George W Bush dragged us into was illegal, immoral and unethical.
How cauld we 'Great Britain' go on an anti-terror crusade against Saddam Hussain, when it was the british foriegn office who made him ruler of Iraq in the first place. Our forces, going into Iraq and 'installing democracy' was like getting a rights of man lecture from Pol Pot. Hypocritical in the extreme. Trouble is, we have a history of going around the world and taking any large lump of it that took our fancy. India, Singapour, Hong Kong, Gibralta, not forgetting the Falkland Islands! Like they were any use to anybody but sheep. 'Gunboat Diplomacy' they used to call it, Lord Palmeston's favoured form of foriegn policy. If we as a nation, had an issue with another country, we would go over there and, for the want of a better word, twat them, with a very large gun, usually bolted to some kind of ship.
We have the kind of chequered past that makes us look really stupid when we try and take the international moral high ground. Doesn't seem to stop us though, especially when we are out there looking for invisible weapons of mass destruction with our mate George W. The man was a puppet for american corperate industry. Well that's no news I suppose, the President of America is always the corperation's puppet, but previous incarnations, at least, hadn't been so bloody obvious with it. Not since Ronald Reagan had america had such a moron as their head of state. That is insulting Ronald Reagan quite alot, comparing him with Bush jnr, because history will state quite clearly that George W. Bush was, hands down, the worst President that the U.S.A has ever had. America's national debt has now reached the point where each and every american home owes the equivilant of $67,000, and that national debt has risen faster under the administration of 'The Muppet President' than any other president in american history.
This is the bunch of morons who are allowed to police the world, and we back them up, even when the united nations security council won't. Even the French didn't want to get involved in that last swaray into hypocritic-bastard-dom. Something else that's worth noting is that while British troops fought and died in Iraq, fighting for the 'Iraqi People's Freedom', the contracts to re-build Iraqi cities, oil refineries & roads have almost exclusively been awarded to american companies, to a ratio of nearly 95%-5%. I don't hate americans, but their foriegn policies really do suck something awful, it is no wonder that most american flags made, end up on fire somewhere in the far east. They are regarded as a winter fuel over there you know. Jimmy Carr once that in the future there will only be two flags in the world of international politics, one for america and one for everyone else, and the 'everyone else' flag will be identical to the american flag except, on fire! Consinct and to the point, I do like Jimmy Carr.
Anyway back to our own arseholes! At the hieght of the recession Gordon Brown's answer to the economic catastrophy was to organise a motor industry trade in deal to a) get old cars off the road and b) to stimulate the motor industry, one of the sectors hardest hit by people not having any money. This fantastic move, and that's 'fantastic' in the original meaning of the word, meant that the tax payer was subsidising every new car sold as part of the scheme by a factor of up to 30%. Now, had the british auto industry not been decimated by the tories and subsequent labour governments, this might have been a good idea. Fact of the matter was that there are no serious british motor manufacturers left, Rover was the last to go, sold to the chinese and relocated lock, stock and barrel. So the money that was paid out to get old cars off the road, went straight out of this countries economy, to companies like Renault, Peugeot, Citroen (french) VW (german), Fiat, alfa romeo (italian) Ford and Vauxhall (america) but the country that benefitted the most from the scrappage scheme was Korea with Kia and Hyundai. Sales of Kia's outstripped Ford by a measure of 2 to 1. Mostly due to the 7 year warrenty and being the best compromise between quality and value. In the end all the scrapage scheme ended up doing was keeping overprised main dealers from closing and filling up salvage yards, oh, and getting people to borrow more money which is how we got into this mess in the first place. Nice one Gordon.
What with bank rescue packages, financial incentives, the vehicle scrappage scheme lost revenue from tax payers made redundant plus benefit payments to same, it will take the best part of 50 years to recover from a situation that proper legislation, true leadership and regulation of banks and investment companies cauld have prevented in the first place. That's all supposing that we don't have another financial meltdown in the meantime. The aztecs had labelled 2012 to be Armaggeddon, they didn't specify whether it was a war type one or a financial type one. Either way we don't have much time. What we really need is true balls in the house of commons, in the senate and the white house and a concertive effort to legislate, for the best interests of the world economy regardless of how it effects corperate industry and the international banks. True balls indeed, right across the world, for a comprehensive rebalancing of the status quo. It's the only way forward for the whole human race.
That may make me sound like a rampant idealist, like a creature still wet behind the ears but the truth is that the governments of the world need to take the power back from the shadow corperations and the ones with all the money. Only then can they truley legislate, without fear of economic reprisal from the corperations who fund thier campaigns. During his fairwell speech, Eisenhower warned of the influence that the weapons manufacturing industry was having over america's foreign policy, only he got it slightly wrong, it wasn't just the weapon's manufcturers, it was any of the big multi nationals with an axe to grind and a vested interest, we need the courage to make this kind of influence history, or it cauld restrict our ability to move to counter problems that would otherwise eventually lead to our extingtion. Don't want to sound like Sting or anything but the rainforests are in trouble, the atmosphere is over polluted, and the world is warming up desite what those 'dickheads' over at the university of east anglia have been saying. We need to able to act.
Coming Soon: 'Other Stuff' :-))
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